Wednesday, May 26, 2010


i just realised why i work so hard... it is a blessing - it is so that i do not idle away the hours by thinking of the negatives that life has dished out on many of us..

just the other day, my good friend says she is so envious of her children jet-setting around and so in love with each other - and so it reminded us of how we can only wish, miss, and reminisce of our youthful days..

then again, the youths do not have the wisdom and charm, and wit that we oldies have.... so we won't look into the mirror each morning and be completely horrified at what looks back at us - we will just imagine that all those lines and creases are but souvenirs of good times...


elleLee said...

it would be nice if one could reject that souvenir...

Mumsy said...

wouldn't it be wondrous..looking 21 throughout life

shoobaba said...

ehhh i just saw a photo of 2 of the most plastic surgery-ed men in the world and boy do they look ghastly.

it's good not to idle away hours thinking of negative things, but you can idle away with some really good classical music - it keeps your mind away from negative things and just lets you drift into fields of roses and Sound of Music type scenery :D

Mumsy said...

i hd an idly sunday, no music, no tv, jst aimless lazing around the hse..until the evening apptmnt