Monday, May 3, 2010


just when i thought i would change my blog layout to something more corporate, as it does look a little teenage, i get two comments that it is cute :)

well, i'm not exactly at the cute age, but what the heck, if i can't be young, i can have a young layout can't i....

there's hardly anything to watch on astro anymore! what a bummer.. 

and i need a gym partner to prod me on; laziness always prevails even though the gym lights beckon.  it's truly a case of the spirit is willing but the body is weak. it's always more tempting to exercise the stomach with food, and more comfortable to sit with the lappie and tv for company.

here's one for the album..

1 comment:

elleLee said...

okay lah, we go together at night. we discuss which days and time later!