You have not got it wrong, Mr Asohan of The Star!
Many women today are strong a.k.a. driven, intelligent, independent. just pick up any of the women's monthly magazines and read of the many women profiles featured - well, not all, but many many of them are in real-life who the articles portray them to be.
And these same women are also sensitive and strong - these same women have full respect for men, and the institution of marriage and fidelity. they may get tempted, they may even lose their way on that dark, lonely night and fall blindly into another man's arms, but that is just an aberration. everyone is allowed to make a mistake or two - it doesn't make them any less human and it shouldn't earn them the 'adulterous' tag, should it?
You are talking about a very small minority of 'bad apples' who are uncaring, insensitive, and go all out to 'do what the men do' just to prove that there is equality. and I am talking about 0.001% of the female population - as they say, there's always a black sheep in the family. surely it doesn't tar the whole family's image.
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