Friday, December 21, 2007

Malaysia Boleh.... errr.... K L Boleh!

it's xmas so i have to be nice and polite.

who says Malaysia Boleh coinage is crap! it rings true every time one gets onto the road especially in KL. Nowhere else in the civilised world do people mimic those in "French Connection" or "Speed" movies, or imagine that they are Evel Knievel. I know Evel died recently and many people are trying to claim his spot, but I hadn't realised that they are mostly Malaysians.

Mr Fatface thinks he owns the road and decides to change lanes without so much as a look (forget about the indicator, he doesn't know what or where it is) - he knows you will swerve and ram into the embankment but who cares, he gets his way, that's all that counts. and to top it all, he's gleefully chatting away on his mobile, probably to his mistress who thinks the sun rises and shines out from him.

Mrs Back-of-a-bus face is not much better. she puts on the indicator (hooray), but only just one second before she turns! and if you honk her, she gives you this "I'm innocent, how dare you bully me" look.

We should have a traffic law enabling people to sue the other for heartburns - then again, do we want to bulge up the lawyers' already fat wallets....hmm... i reckon bullbar bumpers is the better solution.

Oh well, I think we should invite Mr Bean to lighten it all up by making "Mr Bean in Malaysia : the Traffic Movie" - he will have enough material to fill 6 hours worth of airtime.

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