Friday, November 23, 2007

Beautiful Malaysia

we live in a beautiful country; and I'm not referring only to the lush greenery, the architectural varieties of buildings, and the warm hospitality of its citizens(especially to the mat sallehs) etc etc etc.
Let me draw your attention to the beautiful people we have who confidently follow their instincts and fashion needs- if you don't believe me, visit Bangsar Village or Bangsar Shopping Centre and sit down for a coffee to watch the world go by.

I was there recently and did I appreciate our country!
Firstly, I saw Mrs Fiona Shrek strutting around in her skin-tight dress; then Cinderella's ugly sister dressed to the nines bouncing around. And we mustn't miss Ugly Betty's cousin who is three times Betty's size, wearing the latest jersey material silky yellow short dress.

We cannot appreciate our country without mention of the males.... this guy walking right in front of me had trousers made by Fu Manchu's tailor - or someone who had too much fabric and didn't want it to go to waste. He sure had lots of ventilation up his parts, and plenty of space for his thighs to grow - ripples of loose flowing fabric ending up with the current carrot cut legbottom. SEXY - to some, I am sure.

Apart from exercising your sight senses, you will also get to stimulate your sense of smell. Saunter along any walkways with drains nearby, and you will get the aroma of what seems to be a mixture of year-old fermented cheese, someone's remains of a bad meal thrown up, something even the cats won't touch, and a touch of water and silt that has no room to flow to its supposed destination. In some countries, they call it unhygienic clogged drains and council summonses....

these are some signatures of beautiful Malaysia. there are lots more but let's just savour these for a moment.

Monday, November 12, 2007


not too long ago, whenever I walked into a room, all eyes were on me. Men couldn't take their eyes off me - well, at least for the first 30 seconds..... nowadays, they turn to the pretty young lady walking with me or near me...... sigh.....
heyyyy, we were young and attractive not long ago, man, and we're still young at heart and attractive - just a few more wrinkles, and a few more 'doughnuts' around the waist - but, eh, we're much wiser and well-spoken, not to mention experienced.

now i understand why some women who should be shopping at Ms Read, walk out of Miss Selfridge and Topshop with bagfuls of clothes, wearing mini-skirts and stockings to hide the varicose veins.

But, wait, women power! who needs men when women know best. as long as we know who we are, and am confident of ourselves, we walk with heads held high - ok, so we wear polos, jeans and sleeves to conceal the unsightly but we don't need men's approval.

so, come on women, let's give women some attention to give them moral support! when you see a confident, attractive enough lady, smile and tell her she looks nice! Make her day....

Monday, November 5, 2007

some books are best left unread

we all know real life's a bummer, a b***ch......... and we go to the movies, or watch TV, to escape into this fantasy world of everything rosy and nice. If I want a good cry, because i have no tears left for everyday life, I watch Titanic.
so why would we want to read books that make us bawl? isn't life tough enough?
so when my daughter recommended P.S. I love you, I thought it would be a nice romance easy read - bedtime reading. Gosh, Elle, what a suggestion - so sad! so grim! why would I want to read and cry at the same time..... aiyo yo yo..... anyway, I've done it justice with half the book read, but NO MORE! I want a happy book, girl. Looks like I'll have to do a list for my kids so that they'll know what their mum wants or not want....
Here's a book you should read, Elle - "Merde happens" and the next one which I'm currently reading - they're fun, funny, easy to read... definitely a must-read for everyone. (merde is a french word, go check out the meaning :) )

Thursday, November 1, 2007

the mouth rants

life is but a whimsical moment in space, isn't it? now you're here, then you're not. so why are we so worked up about this or that when we know eternity is nigh...
we should all take a few minutes a day to watch a funny movie, a sitcom to remind us to look at life's fun and comedy. then, maybe, we will be less riled up when someone jumps queue right when we are about to get to the counter after having stood for ages behind this person who just let off the most saturated, power-packed regurgitated fume remains of the last six meals - and it's a super energizer, long life battery whopper.
with some funnybone stimulation daily, maybe we won't get agitated and go so low as to let out a stream of not-so-complimentary vocab at the person who illegally double parks his Range Rover behind your legally parked car, and when he finally swaggers out after we have blasted the horn for a full five minutes, looks nonchalantly at us with "oh, cannot get out ah". don't we love these matured, wise, wealthy nincompoops whose brains are obviously in their belows.
oh well, i'm going to get my funnybone stimulated now so that I can smile tomorrow at the next air dis-freshener let-off, and the other beasts who leave home without their brains in the right part of the anatomy.

Watch "Absolutely Fabulous" on Astro - it's a squeal. And don't worry if you miss one or two - it's repeated so many times, you will remember every single word by the time Astro is through broadcasting it.

I thoroughly enjoy Midsomer Murders and set aside time each week to try and solve the murders before Barnaby and Troy do - well, I've enjoyed each episode repeated a hundred times over now-Astro seems to have gone into a time warp.

And Silent Witness ! Waking the Dead! it should be Waking Astro! where are the NEW seasons, and NEW episodes????