Saturday, November 27, 2010

the truth?

don't you think the word 'truth' has been used too freely?  who knows what is the truth except the person who has experienced it; and even with the experience, who is to know that they are relating the truth?  many a time, the story has been glorified, embellished, exaggerated to make it a worthy story to be listened to and remembered.

when someone says that they love you, which truth is it?  the love of love or the lust of love, or the companionship of love?

when someone says you are a good friend, is it because you are the most useful at the point in time, you contribute the most to the person's wellbeing and joy for now, and that you are gullible enough to be sucked into doing all the dirty jobs that need to be done?  how many are truly truthful to their words?

the only truth is when someone comes to your help without asking anything in return, now and later.  the only truth is when someone doesn't question your story but just dishes out whatever help you need.  the only truth is when, long after you had a relationship with the person, they still remember you and extends a helping hand with one call, without conditions.

the only truth is when someone you love loves you back by showing it in the most simple ways, without expectations, without conditions, without negatives...

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