every woman must watch "The Women" - not only my favourite actresses (Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Candice Bergen, Debra Messing), but so hilarious, yet so real....
amidst the laughter and tears and pain, it does make one think - what do i want?
most of us go through life doing what we think is the RIGHT thing to do.... raise a family, be a good wife, be a good mother..... that we sometimes miss out on doing what we really want!
nothing wrong with doing the right thing......
but some of us get to a point in life where we feel we have lost it - children are independent and flown the coup, husband chooses beer over wife, friends are all but gone or too busy with their families..... and we wonder where we've gone wrong.... why is it that we don't seem to have what we really want..
or do we already have what we want - the satisfaction of good motherhood.... being a great wife, the best in fact....
so why do we want more???